
Exalting Jesus

Rod Shimabukuro


For it was indeed fitting that we should have such a high priest,holy, innocent, unstained, separated from sinners, and exalted abovethe heavens. Hebrews 7:26


Chapter 7 contrasts the priesthood and person of Jesus with that ofMelchizidek. Although “Mel” is counted as having qualities of aneternal priesthood, Jesus is better and > than he. This contrast furtherillustrates the superior priesthood of Jesus in the mindsof the Jews.

Jesus is holy, innocent, unstained, separate from sinners - implyingperfection, and exalted above the heavens - implying His Godness.


I'm in great need of this High Priest who has not separated Himselffrom me as if I'm just a parishioner. I highly honor and esteem myGreat High Priest...

My call to action is worship. Gratefulness and honor swelling in myHeart for the Godhead. Then to live with intent on being holy in myrepresentation of Jesus.

Innocence translates to purity for my hearttoday. Unstained and separate from sinners means for me to be carefulof my fellow “gossiping Christians and social media. What I'm hearing, paying attention to and who I'm being influenced by may add to the worldly influences in my life.


Dear Jesus...I exalt You. There's always much to pray about, people to pray for. But today...I want to say and write...I exalt You King Jesus!

Devotions for July 10

Micah 5,6,7
Hebrews 7

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