
Messy relationships and a Providential God!

Rod Shimabukuro


Gen 29 and 30

30:17 - God listened to Leah
30:22 - God remembered Rachel


Talk about family dynamics and drama! In these 2 chapters, Jacob meets Rachel at a well, falls in love with her, meets her dad Laban, who is his uncle, asks for Rachel’s hand in marriage, Uncle Laban agrees and but deceives Jacob by giving him his older daughter Leah to consummate the “marriage!” That deception came after Jacob served Uncle Laban 7 years… for RACHEL. Jacob unknowingly has sex with Leah, not Rachel whom he loves. How in the world? Leah wore a veil some commentators say. Was Jacob too drunk to recognize her? Laban then agrees to give Rachel to Jacob in a week, after he continues relations with Leah. Jacob agrees to work for 7 more years for Rachel. In all of this fiasco - God gives grace to both Rachel and Leah.

Despite the messy relationships we find ourselves in, in spite of people who seem to want to initiate messes for our lives - God is providentially Lord over all. He will work everything together for His glory - not necessarily our good (at least here on earth.)


I’m encouraged to trust in my providential God - who oversees every aspect, every decision, every flaw, every failure - and will work things together for His purposes… not mine. In particular, I’m troubled by some messy relationships around me. It’s affecting me a little - but “they” are affecting the body of Christ. Deception, the “white lies”, the statements that seem to contradict last weeks information ---- these kinds of messy motivations, seem to be decisive and destructive.

So - today, I trust in my Providential God, praying for all parties involved - even the innocent who are affected.


Lord -
You are the only wise God, Judge, Truth and revealer of Your ways - in my life and everyone involved.

May You graciously, patiently and swiftly intervene in my heart and all parties!! You are so good - to listen and to remember… Your People! I love You!

Devotions for January 12

Genesis 29,30
Luke 12

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