Putting Your Life & Relationships On The Line For Christ
John TiltonActs 21:11-12
And coming to us, he took Paul’s belt and bound his own feet and hands, and said, “This is what the Holy Spirit say: ‘ In this way the Jews at Jerusalem will bind the man who owns this belt and deliver him into the hands of the Gentiles.” When we had heard this, we as well as the local residents began begging him not to go up to Jerusalem.
I ponder how in my every day of having the privilege to serve the Lord, if I do and would indeed put everything on the line in my daily decisions and any potential major decision if I had to; especially if what I would encounter looked grim, wise people told me so and it was pretty inevitable?
Now this may sound hypothetical. Am I willing to go against the grain of my leadership, my peers and friends if I knew what I was called to do, say or implement was of the Lord? Ohhh … tough one, since I believe that the law of the land has always and continues to be a part of me in “self-preservation.” Am I willing to do the unpopular thing if it is the right thing? Am I willing to place my job on the line if I had to. Or is the propensity to compromise and justify so ingrained in me that I would not take a definitive stand? In this new season, I foresee the potential and possibility of doing or implementing initiatives, or “calling” people on what is need to do rather then what we’ve done. I also see the probability in having to share the truth as a leader which will probably sift and stretch people. I know that like Paul, I need to heed the call and assignment. I hope that prayer to open hearts and graciousness will prevail, and that God would give me the approach, words and countenance to speak, teach and guide to and through the heart.
Dear Lord, I am blessed to be called to full-time ministry and leadership. Please bless me with insight and understanding that will cause me to heed the call and assignments on my life. Furthermore, when the call and assignments will be tough calls that may affect others normalcy, routine, outlook and feelings; I pray that you would give me the words, graciousness and heart to speak into the hearts and minds of those I’m called to lead or serve with. May I have the confidence and perseverance of Paul