
24/7 With God

John Tilton


Daniel 4:33-34

Immediately what had been said about Nebuchadnezzar was fulfilled. He was driven away from people and ate grass like the ox. His body was drenchedwith the dew of heaven until his hair grew like the feathers of an eagle and his nails like the claws of a bird. At the end of that time, I, Nebuchadnezzar, raised my eyes toward heaven, and my sanitywas restored. Then I praised the Most High; I honored and glorified him who lives forever.


Once Nebuchadnezzar realized that the interpretation of the dream by Daniel of his impending calamity had transpired, resulting in his fall from grace, loss of everything and turmoil in his life; he realized that there was only the God Most High, and began honoring and glorifying Him. For a King with all his authority and powers, who only believed in his gods prior; to finally see the truth that there was and is only one God, of course prompted by the calamity he experienced, was an awesome thing. I guess I’ve passed over the fact in the past that Nebuchadnezzar acknowledged that there was and is only one true God, the God Most High. However, it took quite a bit of convincing through prophesy and events prior, that he overlooked, even though it was made clear to Him that there was only one God, the God Most High


How often do I let the word and warnings of God get by me in my life because I am caught up in life and my desires, pride and position? How often do I lack the honor, dedication and glory that I owe to God on a daily and continuous basis, often with a tendency to compartmentalize the Lord and His word? It took a catastrophic fall in life for Nebuchadnezzar, may I not be so numb and hard-headed to see and hear the signs of God leading, guiding and calling me to obedience. It is often the sin that is disguised by my pride, desires and seared areas of my life that I miss or overlook. Aha, but I realize it is God’s word my time in His word that reveals all to me and will counter my pride and desires of self. I seek to be in His will and way 24/7.


Dear Lord, may I discipline myself to always be in your word, and relationship with you daily and continuously so that I will be mindful and aware of your will, prompted by the Holy Spirit to hear your small voice and see what you want me to see, that I would honor and glorify you.

Devotions for September 12

Daniel 3,4
Psalms 81
Revelation 17

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