Your Great Godness!
Rod ShimabukuroBehold, I am with you and will keep you wherever you go, and will bring you back to this land. For I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you. Genesis 28:15
God downloaded a dream to his son and servant Jacob. The blessing included offspring as numerous as the dust of the earth. An inheritance of land was to become Jacob’s as well. The dream included the powerful truth -- I AM THE LORD... the God of Abraham, Issac...!
More and more in my meditation of His Word, the person of who God stands out to me. His character, His personality, His thoughts and how he interacts with humankind. HIs Great and Eternal Godness involved with His sinful creatures amaze me.
I want to live differently by acknowledging, studying, meditating on who He is - because He is God...always with me, despite me. Always fulfilling His purposes and promises for me, in spite of my unfaithfulness. I just want to live with an intense, deep, genuine awareness of His presence...today...every moment!
God I love You and worship You and need You and want You! Wow God - You are more than amazing - You are sooooo Good - so God - so great - so faithful - so merciful! Thank You - Thank You - Thank You! I love You Daddie, Jesus and Spirit of God!