The Best Way We Know How
Jon Burgess4There are different kinds of spiritual gifts, but the same Spirit is the source of them all.5There are different kinds of service, but we serve the same Lord.6God works in different ways, but it is the same God who does the work in all of us. 1 Corinthians 12:4-5
Using the metaphor of the body, Paul makes it clear that every part is needed and works in tandem with the Holy Spirit and each other to accomplish great things in this world. Just as our different parts have different functions so too each of us in the Body of Christ have been given different gifts with which to best serve. He points out the absurdity of one big eye or ear. Regardless of the size of the role, each person fulfilling their God-given purpose brings Glory to God in a way none of us could do on our own.
One of my favorite Doing Church As A Team messages from Pastor Wayne is when he talks of how each of us, with our unique gifts, is preaching the Gospel of Jesus the best way we know how. Pastor Wayne from the pulpit is preaching the best way he knows how. Those serving our children, welcoming people with hugs, singing from the stage, running the lights, organizing our web page, administrating the details of massive events from behind the scenes, making coffee for our visitors. Just like the parts of the body, each of us has different functions and each of us is preaching the Gospel the best way we know how! That will certainly be true of our Easter services as Pastor Wayne gives the message but hundreds of volunteer servants gather to preach the Gospel with our gifts. Every hand raised this weekend is directly connected to a soul that was impacted through every person in the Body of Christ serving with their gifts. Everyone else may not see it, but God sure does. And sometimes we are given a glimpse of how the different parts of the Body work together in divine rhythm without even knowing it. This story from Carol Nakamoto, a member of our Production Team, reveals exactly what this looks like:
Thank You, Jesus, for this glimpse of how you work everything together for good! My eyes began to tear up as I sat and read Carol's email this morning. Then to see how it lined up with this mornings reading was just further confirmation of how You work! I'm really looking forward to seeing how You use everyone's gifts this weekend to bring many to salvation! Thank You for this church! Thank You For The Cross! Thank You for The Resurrection that makes us new and makes us one through You!